Online Therapy Throughout Colorado:


Telehealth services are also known as Online Therapy, Online Counseling, Virtual Therapy, Telementalhealth, and Video Conferencing. It is a very convenient way to meet with Dr. Crider if you live outside of Steamboat Springs or don’t have time to leave the office. Telehealth has been shown to be equally effective as in-person therapy. A site that is HIPPA compliant offers secure privacy protections. Conversations can take place face-to-face via your computer, tablet, or phone.

The connection process is straightforward. Click the link above, “Start a telemedicine call with,” Dr. Crider. This will bring you to Dr. Crider’s virtual waiting room and allow you to check-in and notify her that you have arrived. You will be right at home with Telehealth if you have ever participated in a Facetime, Skype, or other online video platforms such as GoToMeeting.

Dr. Crider is licensed to practice Telehealth throughout Colorado.